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1. Copy and paste the links to any youtube tutorials or articles you used to help you create your project

2. What are some of the different compositing techniques you used (ex: Clipping masks, adjustment layers, etc.) and where did you use them?
A couple different masks and adjustment layers I used were  "Levels" to adjust the colors to darker  and I used three different clipping masks  to   removed the background and unwanted green screen.
3. What was the most challenging part of this project? What did you do to overcome this challenge?
The most challenging part of this challenge was figuring out how to get rid of the green without deleting too much, I overcame this by blurring,burning and editing it till it was to my liking.
4. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.
Personally I think that I could use work, but overall I think I meet the criteria, other than that I    had alot of fun whilst doing this project.


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