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Ricotta Turophile

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1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in Adobe illustrator. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, processes and keyboard commands as possible. 

First, I went into adobe and clicked the shapes tool, I made a square and clicked the fill tool, clicked the orange yellow gradient and then clicked gradient options and changed the color to a blue/purple, second I added buildings by copy and pasting a photo of buildings and using the pen tool to create anchors and trace the buildings, (I leave the color gradient from earlier but change them up a little adding a periwinkle-ish looking color, Third I messed around with the pen tool to make the front ground, fourth I used the pen tool and shapes tool to make the giant cheese in the middle, Fifth I used the shape tool to make two circles I forgot how I made the cresent moon but it involved deleting, Sixth I went to window and clicked workspace then essentials classic to make the stars but first I made a circle and clicked fx pucker and bloat, Seventh I found clipart of trees and just traced them as I did tracing the buildings using the pen tool and with the cat and dogs I found silhouettes and dragged them to it and clicked image trace and clicked silhouettes the end cheese block.
2. How do animators and color stylists use Ai in their profession?

They work hard I assume.
3. What type of landscape did you set out to create? Did your final product meet the expectations you set for yourself; why or why not?

 I think there is always parts for improvement but the landscape type I created was sort of like city going towards forest type landscape. 
4. Based on the learning target, "Apply refined observation and drawing skills to design and create a vector landscape with a foreground, middle ground and background in Adobe Illustrator by using gradients, image trace the pen tool and shape tool sprayer " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

In my opinion it needs work but I think for the expectations of mastery it maybe meets because it has a lot of what says it should have on the "Grading"

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