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(The video did not upload  when I last used the Mac Book!!)

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your Culture Documentary in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible
First I answered the storyboards and ect, After I did those I found images similar to my video and pressed the create button and added my photos and videos also by airdropping after i delete them all and use the storage looking button and add all my photos and videos in order after that I added my audio by going to the recording button thingy and also going to settings and setting that up.
2. What part of your culture/ family history does your documentary represent? Why is this tradition/recipe important to you? 
This recipe represents I guess comfort food, For me because when theres left over rice from another day it can be used as a next meal for another day or for lunch and its something you cant get tired of because you can add anything to it.
3. Based on the learning target, "Create a culture documentary that celebrates diversity by researching your family history and completing a family roots tree OR researching the origins of a cultural recipe or tradition by using personal knowledge, interviewing family, and/or utilizing the internet.  Then use Adobe Premiere Pro to combine audio and video clips into a final video production". What level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence
I think my level of mastery was good. But my video didnt upload when it showed it did they day before I had a 3 minute video and followed the criteria even if the research/orgin was a bit short since there wasnt much on it I think there is still alot to work on but in my opinion thats what I could do and I think I did well but I cant show it because I wasnt there the 25th because of a allergy altercation and it didnt upload to my website the day before when it had said it did. 

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